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What We Do

About Us

What We Do


The Microfinance industry in Yemen is an important tool in the overall expansion of the Yemeni economy. For the past two decades, the microfinance industry was able to issue loans with the cumulative value of approximately USD 50 millions (i.e. around 800,000 loans given to a total of 100,000 micro and small enterprises). The medium, small and micro enterprises have played a significant role in income generation, poverty eradication, job creation (i.e. creating over 9,895 jobs), as well as the overall expansion of the economy.


However, recent studies stated that:


The potential market for MSMEs finance in Yemen has a size of around 1.78 million microenterprises and 85,000 small enterprises. 


Over 61% of the rejected loans applicants were rejected due to the lack of sufficient collaterals.


The current microfinance industry in Yemen serves approximately 9% of the actual market size . 

Unfortunately, a large percentage of entrepreneurs cannot provide required guarantees, in whole or in part, though they are capable of paying installments and performing subsequent obligations in order to secure the service. Hence, the need for a service that provides a conducive business environment that allows micro and small enterprises to take advantage of opportunities in the economy has become urgent and essential.


YLG undertakes various types of projects including long-term projects to establish an operationally sustainable revenue stream for YLG, diversify our range of products and services to support our mission, vision and strategic goals, and provide clients with added-value and services. YLG also supports client retention and grows with their business needs. This includes Micro-Insurance, Client Capacity Building (Direct Clients - PFIs), and Client Capacity Building (Indirect Clients – End Borrowers).

Improve target segments' economic status

Pioneer a guarantee experience for MSMEs based on international best practices and innovative principles




Support the expansion and growth of the small and microfinance sector

Establish a more trust-based credit culture in the small and microfinance sector

Our Values


YLG operates under a solid trust foundation established between YLG and its partners. YLG owners its liabilities and work closely on meeting its obligations.


YLG is profound about operating and communicating with all stakeholders under high level of transparency and knowledge sharing.


YLG embraces creativity and innovation in designing its products and services. It encourages innovation ​among its work environment and when dealing with stakeholders.


YLG follows quality control measures in delivering guarantee products and services.


Yemen Loan Guarantee Program 
Social Fund For Development
Sana'a, Yemen

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